16 Key Ideas For Camping In Cambodia

Camping in Cambodia presents a unique set of advantages and hurdles for outdoor enthusiasts. The country's remote landscapes offer a quiet escape from the bustle of tourist trails and city lives, allowing campers to enjoy a level of solitude and connection with nature. However, the beauty of these pristine environments doesn't come without difficulty. In this article, we'll present you with some activities while camping in Cambodia, key considerations for selecting a Campsite in Cambodia, and its challenges and solutions.

Activities while camping in Cambodia

Jungle Trekking

In Cambodia, you can do both camping and trekking on the same day. You can explore the diverse Cambodian jungle landscapes, keeping an eye out for unique flora and fauna. Along the hiking trail, you can spot different species of wildflowers and animals. 


Cambodia offers beautiful mountain landscapes that can capture both your heart and your camera lens. With the grass changing color in each season, you will experience either beautiful green grass rainy season or yellow grass in the dry season. Moreover, you can capture the scenic beauty of the sunrise and sunset, as well as the country’s rich biodiversity.

Star Gazing

You can enjoy the clear night skies for the stargazing, and drinking tea with your family and friends. It’s the best time to look at the stars and talk about life or your feelings. 

Community Interaction

You can also engage with local communities to learn about their way of life and potentially participate in community-led tourism activities.

Cooking and Sharing Meals

Cooking can sometimes be monotonous, however, it can connect you closer to one another through the food you cook. While camping in Cambodia, people can cook a variety of food based on the capacity they can bring to the campsite. If you reach your campsite on foot, it’s good to bring something light. So you can bring chicken because it’s easy to cook and can make different food from soup to stir-fried chicken. But if you go camping by motorbike or car, you can definitely bring along the BBQ equipment and enjoy the BBQ with your family and friends.

Key Considerations for Selecting a Campsite in Cambodia

Water Source Accessibility:

While camping in Cambodia, it’s important to camp somewhere near a natural water resource because you can easily access it for cooking and cleaning needs. It’s important to have reliable water purified while going on camping because the water can be undrinkable. 

Trail Proximity:

While setting up the tent, it is important to find level ground to set up your tent for a comfortable sleep. Try to avoid low-lying areas that could flood, especially during the rainy season. 

Wildlife Interactions:

Be mindful about your food and belongings which can be deterred from the wild animals. They can destroy your belongings and food while you are in the tent, or while sleeping. Make sure you keep them safe in your tents. 

Weather Preparedness:

Consider the direction of prevailing winds and seek natural windbreaks for shelter.

Stay aware of weather patterns and set up camp in areas that offer protection from severe weather.

Campfire Considerations

While choosing the campsite, select a spot where a campfire can be managed safely, with a supply of deadwood if possible. Make sure to keep fires manageable and ensure they are completely extinguished before leaving. 

Respect for the Environment:

Adopt a 'leave no trace' ethos to preserve the site's natural beauty for future campers. It is important to keep our campsite clean so that it will attract other campers. Make sure you take all trash with you and if possible, try to avoid using soaps or lotions that could contaminate water.

Challenges While Camping in Cambodia and How to Tackle Them

Extreme Weather

The best times for camping in Cambodia are from November to March because you will experience dry weather with cooler temperatures. However, in Cambodia, the tropical climate can bring sudden downpours or intense heat. Be prepared by understanding the seasonal weather patterns; pack lightweight, waterproof clothing and a sturdy, ventilated tent. During the monsoon season, ensure your campsite is elevated to avoid flooding.

Wildlife Encounters:

Encounters with monkeys, snakes, and insects such as leeches are more common in Cambodia. You have to secure food in airtight containers to deter the wild animal. While camping, be aware of your surroundings to avoid snakes and use repellents to keep insects at bay, you can find them in any mart or supermarket. Sleeping in tents with secured netting can prevent unwanted visitors during the night. 

Injuries or Health Issues:

Outdoor activities can lead to injury, especially in unfamiliar terrain. A well-stocked first-aid kit should include rehydration salts due to the Cambodian heat, as well as antiseptic and bandages for minor wounds. You have to be particularly aware of symptoms of heat exhaustion and dehydration. It’s a good idea to bring along the chocolate bar, candies, and other sweets to boost your energy while hiking in the mountains. 

Getting Lost

Dense forests can make it easy to lose one's way. it’s the best idea to hire a local guide who knows the area better or go with someone who is familiar with the locations. You can download Google Maps of that location because it either has no internet connection or a bad internet connection. Having an offline map will benefit you while trekking in the jungle. 

Equipment Failure

Harsh terrain and climate can strain camping gear. Inspect all equipment before your trip, focusing on the reliability of your tent against heavy rain. Carry basic repair supplies like duct tape, spare fabric, and a sewing kit. Additionally, bring extra batteries for flashlights, as power sources may be scarce.